Climate Change and Anxiety is a series of six detailed lesson plans, designed by teachers to help students deal with the climate anxiety that so many of them are feeling.
Climate Change and Anxiety is a series of six detailed lesson plans, designed by teachers to help students deal with the climate anxiety that so many of them are feeling.
CPAWS Southern Alberta is introducing a series of six detailed lesson plans, designed by teachers to help students deal with the climate anxiety that so many of them are feeling. Each lesson has been rigorously tested and modified in grade five and six classrooms in several different schools.
These lesson plans links to Alberta Grade 5 and 6 Science - Earth Systems and Energy.
Accommodations for physical disabilities
None specified
Accommodations for neurodiverse participants
None specified
Full Description
Lesson Plans Help Students with Climate Anxiety
CPAWS Southern Alberta is introducing a series of six detailed lesson plans, designed by teachers to help students deal with the climate anxiety that so many of them are feeling. Each lesson has been rigorously tested and modified in grade five and six classrooms in several different schools.