Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education - Alberta Council for Environmental Education
Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education
Alberta Council for Environmental EducationBasic Details
The Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education (AYLEE) program is for grades 7-12 youth across Alberta. AYLEE provides youth with opportunities to connect with like-minded youth; learn about the environment, energy, and climate change; collaborate on projects that advance environmental education and climate action; present at and host various environmental and education-related meetings and events across the province; and act within their schools to help build a brighter, more sustainable future.
The Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education (AYLEE) program is for grades 7-12 youth across Alberta. AYLEE provides youth with opportunities to connect with like-minded youth; learn about the environment, energy, and climate change; collaborate on projects that advance environmental education and climate action; present at and host various environmental and education-related meetings and events across the province; and act within their schools to help build a brighter, more sustainable future.