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A free resource for finding school programs and resources in Alberta and BC

Teachers, we know that finding environmental education programs and resources that work for your classroom’s needs can be difficult. This database helps you find relevant, fun offerings that can bring these important topics to life.

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Showing 28 results View Your List

Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education

Alberta Council for Environmental Education

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The Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education (AYLEE) program is for grades 7-12 youth across Alberta. AYLEE provides youth with opportunities to connect with like-minded youth; learn about the environment, energy, and climate change; collaborate on projects that advance environmental education and climate action; present at and host various environmental and education-related meetings and events across the province; and act within their schools to help build a brighter, more sustainable future. 

The Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education (AYLEE) program is for grades 7-12 youth across Alberta. AYLEE provides youth with opportunities to connect with like-minded youth; learn about the environment, energy, and climate change; collaborate on projects that advance environmental education and climate action; present at and host various environmental and education-related meetings and events across the province; and act within their schools to help build a brighter, more sustainable future. 

Ocean Trash Talk

Sea Smart

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Become an expert about ocean plastic pollution and what actions we can take to help protect the ocean!

Become an expert about ocean plastic pollution and what actions we can take to help protect the ocean!

Cool It! Climate Leadership Training program


Basic Details

An interactive workshop and a four-week climate challenge for grades 4-12. Students will explore climate science, justice, solutions, and actions to reduce emissions, fostering family involvement, community engagement, and systemic understanding.

An interactive workshop and a four-week climate challenge for grades 4-12. Students will explore climate science, justice, solutions, and actions to reduce emissions, fostering family involvement, community engagement, and systemic understanding.

From the Streets

Sea Smart

Basic Details

Explore the connections between rivers, lakes and the ocean and investigate how freshwater plastic pollution affects our ocean.

Explore the connections between rivers, lakes and the ocean and investigate how freshwater plastic pollution affects our ocean.

Shepard Landfill Tour with Composting Facility visit

The City of Calgary Waste & Recycling Services

Basic Details

The City of Calgary offers school tours at the Composting Facility and Shepard Landfill, providing students the unique opportunity to observe Calgary’s waste management operations in action.

The City of Calgary offers school tours at the Composting Facility and Shepard Landfill, providing students the unique opportunity to observe Calgary’s waste management operations in action.

Aquatic Species at Risk

Sea Smart

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Learn about amazing aquatic species at risk, their threats, and most importantly, how we can help!

Learn about amazing aquatic species at risk, their threats, and most importantly, how we can help!

Green Careers for Youth

Alberta Council for Environmental Education

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Our program Connecting Classrooms to Professionals will partner green industry volunteers with youth for in class presentations and mentorship. In connecting classrooms with our volunteers we hope to inform students about what opportunities are currently available, and give new perspectives on what having a green career could mean! Our Green Careers Initiative aims to inspire students to strive for a green, sustainable and lucrative future.

Our program Connecting Classrooms to Professionals will partner green industry volunteers with youth for in class presentations and mentorship. In connecting classrooms with our volunteers we hope to inform students about what opportunities are currently available, and give new perspectives on what having a green career could mean! Our Green Careers Initiative aims to inspire students to strive for a green, sustainable and lucrative future.

Clean Water Champions - Online Course

Sea Smart

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Investigate the importance of freshwater and how we can all take action to be champions for clean water!

Investigate the importance of freshwater and how we can all take action to be champions for clean water!

SkeenaWild Environmental Education

SkeenaWild Conservation Trust

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Free lesson plans and educational resources with downloadable PDFs for easy access.

Free lesson plans and educational resources with downloadable PDFs for easy access.

Zero Waste Place

Elements Society

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An interactive program where students learn where waste comes from, where it goes and how they can action solutions.

An interactive program where students learn where waste comes from, where it goes and how they can action solutions.

EcoCooks School

Elements Society

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EcoCooks is a science-based environmental cooking program that addresses how food choices impact our planet.

EcoCooks is a science-based environmental cooking program that addresses how food choices impact our planet.

Student Leadership for Change

Be the Change Earth Alliance

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Explore over 40 environmental and justice topics through a values-based action-oriented approach!

Explore over 40 environmental and justice topics through a values-based action-oriented approach!

We Are ChangeMakers

CPAWS Southern Alberta

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Join wearechangemakers.ca - a community where you can learn, teach, act, and give for the eco-justice topics that matter to you

Join wearechangemakers.ca - a community where you can learn, teach, act, and give for the eco-justice topics that matter to you

Orcas in the Salish Sea

Sea Smart

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Dive into the rich culture of the Coast Salish Peoples, explore the fascinating world of the Southern Resident Killer Whales, and learn to be an effective environmental steward!

Dive into the rich culture of the Coast Salish Peoples, explore the fascinating world of the Southern Resident Killer Whales, and learn to be an effective environmental steward!

Diving Into Killer Whales

Sea Smart

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Discover the incredible world of killer whales and how we can help to protect them!

Discover the incredible world of killer whales and how we can help to protect them!

Nature Stewards Programs

Environmental Youth Alliance

Basic Details

These free multi-week programs will support youth to develop skills to care for nature in your community, including growing native plants, restoring wildlife habitat, and working with plant medicines. These are open registration programs for students to sign up independently, outside of school hours.

These free multi-week programs will support youth to develop skills to care for nature in your community, including growing native plants, restoring wildlife habitat, and working with plant medicines. These are open registration programs for students to sign up independently, outside of school hours.

Junior High Teacher Resources for Horticultural Option

Calgary Horticultural Society

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Junior High CTF Horticulture (gardening) resource!

Junior High CTF Horticulture (gardening) resource!

Re-Energy Program


Basic Details

Discover different sources of renewable energy through a hands-on approach, by building working models of solar ovens, wind turbines, electric vehicles and more! Detailed plans and resources provided.

Discover different sources of renewable energy through a hands-on approach, by building working models of solar ovens, wind turbines, electric vehicles and more! Detailed plans and resources provided.

Curriculum Connections to Environment, Climate, and Indigenous Perspectives

Alberta Council for Environmental Education

Basic Details

Teaching about environmental sustainability has never been more important as we increasingly feel the effects of an unsustainable human footprint on the planet’s systems.

Can teachers weave more environmental and sustainability education into their everyday practice while delivering on the current curriculum? The answer is a resounding YES! ACEE is committed to supporting teachers across Alberta by developing curriculum links between climate, sustainability, and our environment to the AB Programs of Study.

Explore how the current curriculum already connects with the following sustainability themes – Nature and Place, Indigenous Perspectives, and Climate Change.

Teaching about environmental sustainability has never been more important as we increasingly feel the effects of an unsustainable human footprint on the planet’s systems.

Can teachers weave more environmental and sustainability education into their everyday practice while delivering on the current curriculum? The answer is a resounding YES! ACEE is committed to supporting teachers across Alberta by developing curriculum links between climate, sustainability, and our environment to the AB Programs of Study.

Explore how the current curriculum already connects with the following sustainability themes – Nature and Place, Indigenous Perspectives, and Climate Change.

Climate Game Changers Toolkit

CPAWS Southern Alberta

Basic Details

Check out our popular Climate Game Changers Toolkit, a choose-your-own adventure for adults and youth to learn about climate change.

Check out our popular Climate Game Changers Toolkit, a choose-your-own adventure for adults and youth to learn about climate change.



For Teachers

I can’t find listings that work for me. What can I do?

Try removing any filtering criteria to see more results. If you can’t find listings in your area, try looking in the “Available Nationwide” category, or use the Delivery Format filter to select listings marked as “Online” or “Resource”.  If you would like to suggest a listing for inclusion, contact us at fern@elements-society.org

How does the favourites list work?

Your list is stored temporarily on the device used to visit the site, and can expire between visits. Make sure to record the link to your list, or email the list to yourself. The link will always work if you return to it. When the contents of your list is edited (e.g. adding or removing items), the link will also change. Make sure to copy the new link after making any changes to your list. 

How do teacher recommendations work?

The organization who produces the activity solicits recommendations from teachers who have completed their activities. Recommendations include a teacher’s school district in order to provide local context, but are kept anonymous for privacy reasons. 

How do I leave recommendations for listings?

After you complete a program, the listing organization will send you a special website link that you can use to leave a recommendation. If you would like to leave a recommendation but haven’t received a link, contact the organization directly.

When browsing by location, how do I know which school district I am located in? 

If you aren’t sure what public school district you are located in, see the Alberta Education Maps or the BC School District Map.

How do I suggest a listing for inclusion or provide any other feedback?

To suggest a listing, email us and we can try to connect with the organization. Note that organizations are responsible for publishing their own listings.

If you have any other feedback, email us. Although we strive to keep this resource up to date, Elements Society is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by organizations. 

For Listing Organizations

How do I submit my organization’s programs or resources for inclusion?

If you create environmental education programs or resources, sign up for an account. Once you are signed in, you can create a new listing. All new and updated listings are subject to review before appearing on the website. 

How do I submit an update to my listings?

Sign in to your account, and you will see all of your listings and have the option to submit an update to (or delete) any listing. Updates are subject to review before appearing on the website.

I no longer have access to the email used for my account. What can I do?

Email us and we can help restore access to your listings.

How do I get teacher recommendations for my listings? 

When you create a new listing, you will receive a unique website link that allows teachers to leave a recommendation. After teachers complete a program, it’s your responsibility to solicit recommendations by sending the link. Recommendations include a teacher’s school district in order to provide local context, but are kept anonymous for privacy reasons. 

How do I update the payment information for my listing?

If your payment method on file is expired or was declined, email us and we can help you update your payment info.